Raphael Godefroy

Associate professor of economics

Université de Montréal

  • CV

  • Publications
    Working Papers
    Policy Work/Op-eds


    1. National institutions and self-insurance (with Joshua Lewis)
      Economic Development and Cultural Change (forthcoming) [pdf]

    2. Distribution and predictors of F-18-FDG uptake values of non-malignant cervical lymph nodes in pediatric patients
      (with Jeremy Godefroy et al.) EJNMMI Research (2024) DOI 10.1186/s13550-024-01110-9 [pdf]

    3. Estimating population infection rates from non-random testing data: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
      (with David Benatia and Joshua Lewis) PLOS ONE (2024) 19(9): e0311001. DOI

    4. What Explains the Socioeconomic Status-Health Gradient? Evidence from Workplace COVID-19 Infections (with Joshua Lewis)
      Social Science and Medicine - Population Health (2022) Vol. 18, June 2022 101124 [pdf]

    5. Estimates of COVID-19 Cases Across Four Canadian Provinces (with David Benatia and Joshua Lewis)
      Canadian Public Policy (2020) 46 S3: S203-S216 [pdf]
      Medias: CBC , RCI , The Canadian Press , La Presse , Metro , MTLblog

    6. How Women's Rights Affect Fertility: Evidence from Nigeria
      Economic Journal (2019): 1247-1280 [pdf]

    7. Does Male Education Affect Fertility? Evidence from Mali (with Joshua Lewis)
      Economics Letters 172 (2018): 118-122 [pdf]

    8. Parliament Shapes and Sizes (with Nicolas Klein)
      Economic Inquiry 56.4 (2018): 2212-223 [pdf]
      Medias: Les Echos , RTL Lëtzebuerg

    9. Voter Turnout and Fiscal Policy (with Emeric Henry)
      European Economic Review, 89 (2016): 389-406 [pdf]

    10. Choosing Choices: Agenda Selection with Uncertain Issues (with Eduardo Perez-Richet)
      Econometrica, 81, no. 1 (2013): 221-253 [pdf]

    11. Les Taxes sur les Cigarettes sont-elles Régressives? [Are Cigarette Taxes Regressive?]
      Economie publique 13 (2004) [pdf]

    Working Papers

    1. The Long-Run Effects of Childhood Fostering: Evidence from Benin (with Irene Dohouin, Caleb Gbeholo and Joshua Lewis) [pdf]

    2. Size of a clinical trial and the continuation of medical research (with Samiratou Kora Chabi)

    3. The Impact of uncertainty on agriculture (with Joshua Lewis) [pdf]

    Policy Work/Op-eds

    1. Principaux moyens de lutte contre la propagation du SARS-COVID-19 [pdf]
      in La santé au coeur de la relance économique du Québec. Report for the Quebec Ministry of Finance (2020).

    2. COVID-19 Prevalence in Quebec and Ontario: A Note (with David Benatia and Joshua Lewis) [pdf]

    3. Y a-t-il trop de parlementaires en France (with Nicolas Klein) [pdf]
      in Les Echos (2018)


    1. Econométrie Appliquée - Honor ECN 4160

    2. Economie du Comportement Social ECN 3650

    3. Economie des Services de Santé ECN 6983


    Université de Montréal
    Département de sciences économiques
    3150 rue Jean-Brillant
    Montreal, QC H3T 1N8
    Email: raphael.godefroy 'at' umontreal.ca